Monday, August 15, 2011

going, going...


our house is buzzing with excitement and anticipation

college!  she's heading off to college!

when she had colic, we never thought we'd make it to her 1st birthday

{i think i cried more then she did...sleepless zombie that i was}

but here we are...we made it through

and they were right...all those who told us colicky babies turn into really wonderful people

we L O V E her so! and E N J O Y her company!

we're gonna miss her, that's for sure (she is a SUNSHINE GIRL all the way)

but to watch her take her first real flight from our little nest?


to everything there is a season...a time to laugh, a time to cry

and sometimes a time to do both!


Claudia said...

She looks so much like you, Cathy! Wishing her well on this new adventure. I know you'll miss her!


patty said...

oh, heart aching for you...

and a beautiful photo!

{um. my word verification today is "maness", which i'm reading as man-ness. have i ever told you that my word verifications here are SO funny??}

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

She is just so so lovely! I can hear her laughter through her picture. When my daughter left for college I couldnt even breathe, its a whole new chapter for both of you.

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