Sunday, June 29, 2008
Making Plans

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Camping with God

Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to.
(1 Timothy 6:11)
That is my prayer for our son as I drive him to camp today.
As he jumps off "the blob" into the lake, as he makes new friends, as he studies his Bible with kind (and cool) counselors, as he listens to the band at night while sitting around the breathtaking lake....may he hear your voice through it all.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Water Walking

I am reading Oswald Chambers this morning*and am reminded again to replace fear and worry with Jesus. When Peter saw the wind he was afraid (Matthew 14:29-30). But when his focus was on Jesus, he simply walked on the water.
I like being prepared and organized. But I have taken myself too seriously and instead of walking on water, into the arms of Jesus, I have left my boat and am setting up camp on the shore. Jesus is surely walking closeby on the water, but I am too busy to notice His outstretched hand towards me.
My seaside dwelling is coming along nicely, thank you. I've got quite a beautiful library going for writing puppet scripts and Bible School curriculum. A conservatory for compiling song lists and playing the piano. A kitchen where I am preparing meal schedules and helping my husband coordinate grocery delivery via bush plane.
My seaside house is becoming comfortable and even cozy. I have even built a beautiful balcony overlooking the water. This balcony should be the place I come to pray, but this morning I see cobwebs on my deck chair.
Instead of preparing and handing over, I am beginning to horde and camp. And to be honest, I've almost completely forgotten that there is water a few feet away.But I want to walk on the water. I have done it before -- holding my Savior's hand. He doesn't want us to "wing it" on this mission we're taking and so we prepare well. But I am sensing it is time to dismantle my little house on the beach, place my efforts in a boat and send them off into His care. And then I, being unencumbered and free, can join Him on the water.
I see Him smiling at me this morning...hand outstretched. "Come," says He.I want to walk on the water. All that I've need of, His hand will provide. He's always been faithful to me.
Lord, help me to come. Help me to take your hand.
*thanks, Elise, for reminding me to get up this morning to meet with our good God
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Gone and Back
I'm sorry I didn't let you know we were flying the coop for a few days to experience our annual extended family get-a-way in the hills.
We had fun together, but my favorite part of any trip is coming home. I love our nest! And while birds feather their nests with sticks and such, I like to feather ours with antiques, of which I managed to find a few while gone.
The laundry machine is whirring...baseball game tonight...serious Alaska planning tomorrow.
There's no place like home, and I'm appreciating our little dwelling even more knowing we'll be leaving her again soon.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My First Love
The most important thing a father can do for his children...
is to love their mother.
-Theodore Hesburgh
Loving Mom, Loving Me, and Laughing.
I love you, Dad.
Friday, June 13, 2008

We continue preparing for our summer visit to the Alaskan bush...
(more later!)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It's Time

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Birds of a Feather
But last week, God gently dropped a wonderful gift in my already-full nest. Nicole! And I do believe that God went to the same "parts closest" when He created each of our creative, nesting personalities. We speak the same creative language. We have the same eye for accessorizing. We shop the same stores and can rattle off current inventory. We share a similar wit. We're both mothers. We both know Jesus.
And our nests are 100 yards from one another.
Birds are social; they communicate using visual signals and through calls and songs. How wonderful to be singing my own little nesting song in my own little tree, and hear another singing the same song.
I think our singing tickles God even more than it tickles us.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A small, simple structure with a wood stove. Sitting on a little hill thirty feet from a winding river. But as we met in that workshop, Your gracious hand lovingly knit hearts together and transformed a plain wooden shack into a sacred place.
Memories flood my heart as I write about my friend this morning, and a song begins playing in my mind…Holy ground, we’re standing on holy ground. For the Lord is present and where He is is holy. The workshop wasn’t holy in and of itself. It was holy because when I went there to visit my friend, You were always there, too.
Isn’t it funny that the God who created us with a need for people always gives us the people we need? One of the few quotes I've committed to memory immediately after reading. Probably because it is so true.
That lonely summer in a small fishing village, I was longing for a girl friend and lo’ and behold, You sent me a male ivory carver with grandchildren running around. And You grew our friendship not over tea in a warm kitchen somewhere (the expected and hoped for), but in a simple shed (the unexpected and perfect spot).
Love born in an ordinary, unadorned place. But that’s how You do things, isn’t it? You make me smile.
Thank you for giving me one of the very best friends I’ll ever have. I love You.
Thank you, Lord for the workshop, and for the man who spent many hours creating beautiful ivory carvings within it’s walls. My heart overflows with gratefulness this morning knowing that fire only destroyed the building and not the man who made the building so special to me.
Monday, June 2, 2008
June 2, 1990