Friday, December 5, 2008

Room to Breathe

I'm not sure what it is that makes me want SIMPLE this year when it comes to feathering our nest for Christmas. Is it the fact that I'm getting older? (I no longer laugh at the thought of my grandma pulling a sheet off of her living room Christmas tree each Thanksgiving...I'm now giving her props.) Perhaps I crave simple because I'm being inspired by the calming creams and whites on others' decorating blogs. I think both these reasons are valid. But I'm wondering today if there isn't another reason. A more basic, instinctual reason I want room to breathe.

Nothing hung on the walls of the cave where Jesus was born. No frasier-fur-scented candles burned in a corner. No choo-choo train made a clanging, circular journey around a decorated pine tree.

I think God is calling me back to the simplicity of that first Christmas. And reminding me that Jesus is more than enough.

Simply. Divine.

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