Thursday, January 21, 2010

Right Here

tomorrow some friends and I get to roll out a new ministry for a bunch of great women who are brave enough to come!

it's not your ordinary church lady get-together, that's for sure.

reflection, the Word, nature, art, music, food, fire, and some SILLY!

it's been weird to go about my everyday life when everyday life doesn't exist anymore in places like Haiti. but I've come to the realization that sometimes after we help those hurting far away with our prayers and our resources (we sent money to this organization that our pastor living in Haiti recommends),

we should simply

LOVE more.

because God has put people in our lives...

--right under our noses--

who need to feel His grace, love and mercy

through us.

sometimes it takes some shaking to wake us up and remember...

we need to reach out & love the ones we're with.

tomorrow I get to sprinkle love, joy, and laughter on some beautiful women.

and today?

God, let me see clearly the needs of those around me...

and LOVE.


Jamie said...

Such a great reminder, Cathy! In the face of overwhelming catastrophe and despair, we do what we can--and try to remember the little things we can do every day for those around us. We have many opportunities to serve others...I think I need to be more opportunistic! :)

Tiffany said...

Love that!! :)

patty said...

beautifully written, cathy! i've missed you! i wanted to email, but can't seem to locate your addy... email inbox problems... is that a photo of you as a girl?? sweet!
i, too, am wrapped around these moments... thanks for putting some perspective on them.

Mrs. C... said...

Ah friend, to know that you are going to bless all who come!!! You are going to be used in ways that you haven't even forseen yet, and I can't wait to hear about them. I wish I lived closer so that I could come! Blessings! :)

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