Friday, October 23, 2009

check out the beauty

Finally, I have a little time to give you a proper introduction to my new blogging friend, Ruth! Ruth is the proprietress of "The Beautiful Life, Inc." -- a vintage funk (with a French/Danish twist) online shop. Oh, the eye candy!

I don't remember how I found Ruth's blog, but I'm so glad I did!

If all of us were sitting across from each other over coffee, I would go on and on about "The Beautiful Life" -- after all, when I find something wonderful I shout it from the mountaintops.

I would show you the beautiful Danish magazine/book I bought from Ruth...
(and if we were eating, say, cheetos with our coffee, I would make you wash your hands before touching it)

And I would show you the amazing Paris stamps I received from "The Beautiful Life".

But, since we're not sitting at my kitchen table, here are the TOP 10 REASONS I love Ruth and her "Beautiful Life"....

10. I adore anything pretty and Ruth knows pretty.

9. I love things from our home that are out of the ordinary ("Beautiful Life" = unique)

8. Next to "customer service" in the dictionary is Ruth's photo.

7. Ruth picks out the best music! Sometimes I park myself at her blog and crank up the volume while I work around the house (these 2 new songs are Ruth's picks).

6. "Elegant essentials and sensible luxuries" - what a tagline.

5. Although I hate math, Ruth has the most fabulous number pillows!

4. Ruth loves her family. A whole lot.

3. Ruth doesn't post everyday (which tells me she has her priorities straight).

2. Ruth is as warm and friendly "in person" (ok, so we only chatted on the phone!) as she is on her blog. This is really important to me!

1. Ruth knows what true beauty is.

Life is beautiful!

And so is Ruth. So head on over and say hello!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

woOden anGels

The sun is shining today and I can't believe it's nearing the end of October already.

But I can bElieVe it when I'm in the stores...

cHristMas decorations spilling into the aisles!

(which is fine by me since I wrinkle my nose at the skeleton decorations)

Last year I saw this pretty AnGeL gracing a side table at my friend, Peigi's.

Oh, how I loved her!

I wanted to sTeaL her!

But stealing? An angel, no less? Heavens-to-Betsy!

So yesterday in Home Goods, (heaven on earth) I almost broke into the hallelujah chorus when her sisters stood watch from a high shelf!

I couldn't leave one an orphan by adopting her sister, could I?

I can tell they're happy in their new home...toGethEr.

I hope I don't find any more...the heAvenLy HoSt in my living room might be a bit much.

but entertaining angels is what we're supposed to do isn't it?

well, okay -- not tall wooden ones from Home Goods, but they'll remind me to extend hospitality to everyone in my little corner of the world. Angels are good reminders. And they often symbolize HoPe. Many in my corner need hope right now.

so much more than wooden angels, aren't they?

maybe the heavenly host in my living room wouldn't be so bad, after all.

Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! hebrews 13:2

Thursday, October 15, 2009

dressing me

elementary school = knickers...

high school = cowboy boots (in ohio)

college = "Indian blanket print" jeans...

44 = finally getting back to dressing the real me!

*boots brought to you by Target; thigh socks (to cover my white legs!!!) from Target, too

Monday, October 12, 2009


reAdy for dEparturE...

hOping for cLear sKies

aNd "gOd" visibility

bEcause seeing things frOm Heaven's perSpective

sUre mAkes the tRip richEr...



because HE controls any turbulence,

and hOlds ouR hand whEn we'Re scareD.

we're cLimbing, cliMbing, climbiNg...

iNto a braNd neW weeK!

*little plane flying over Alaskan tundra, carrying our friends...who passed us in the air!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

being grateful

sometimes reality


even better


the big dreams

of a teenage


(tHank yOu GoD)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Little Caramel Apples"

grape salad

2 lb. seedless grapes (green and red)

8 oz. cream cheese

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Bring cream cheese to room temperature and blend cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla; add grapes. Spoon mixture into flat dish (I use a ceramic casserole dish).


1/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup chopped pecans

Sprinkle topping over grape mixture. Refrigerate overnight.

this salad has an incredible, addicting taste! It's so good, I brought some for my friends to try on our way out to dinner the other night...a little hors d'oeuvres for the road.
My friend said "they taste like little caramel apples!"
The salad looks fancy enough for a dinner party, but easy enough for everyday.
bon appetit

Friday, October 2, 2009

...when you're having fun


Yowza! here's our full quiver 5 or 6 years ago.

I remember when the kids were little someone told me "the days go slow but the years fly by."

Now it's all flying.

I thought I was going to be 44 this month.

I'll be 45.

My young Dad (75 going on 50) had his first hospital stay last weekend. An irregular heartbeat..."common to people your age". Thankfully, his heart corrected itself and he's okay, but really? My Dad?

You are a mist that appears for a little while and than vanishes. (James 4:14)

We will be going on college visits this year with our beautiful daughter. How can that be?

Our calm and clear-headed son will be a high-schooler when the leaves fall next year. Wasn't it just yesterday that he fell off the jungle gym and broke his little leg?

And our sweet baby...gangly limbs fall off bed's edge at night. Big hands always moving. Stretching, growing, craving independence.

And my rock, my man, with head of dashing gray. We've been married 5 or 6 years, yes? No, 20 this June. 20.

And me, little crow's feet around my eyes, and permanent laugh lines around my mouth. And growing wisdom and a sense of perspective. A 25 year history with my God, and a depth of love I feel for Him that sometimes astounds me.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8)

An olive tree is evergreen. Always alive, always growing, limbs spreading and greenery flourishing. That was how David pictured himself as a child of God. The question of his place in the world had been settled. He would trust in God's love forever and ever. (Peter Wallace)

A child of God. I am!

So as the calendar pages flutter by, I have PEACE.

[May] mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance (Jude 1:2)

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