My family groaned. "Is this a school game?" they asked. My husband reminded me we're not really game people...or when we are, we like roll-the-dice-and-move kind of games.
We were more like Nomads Around Catan!...wandering aimlessly while our fearless leader tried to decipher the directions in this strange, new land.
At one point our daughter held up her cell phone and declared "we've got a signal in Catan!"
Turns out that Catan is one intimidating place.
Notice someone spelled out HELP with their game pieces... and I just noticed there's a Bible on the table. We certainly needed divine intervention.
Our leader. Who donned a doo-rag and a walking stick when I announced we would be playing Settlers of Catan! (His get-up didn't help us one bit.)
After about 20 minutes of trying to settle the new land, we gave our daughter cash to go buy us all ice cream.
I'm glad we didn't settle Catan. Because our new game "Laughing Nomads of Catan" was way more fun.
That is a funny, funny post! I'm not much of a game player but my hubby & kids are. I watch & take care of snacks while they play. Happy New Year!
To help get you started (and I do hope you don't give up because Catan really is a GREAT game), you should go to and click on the Settlers of Catan boardgame for a step-by-step tutorial that starts with setting up the board. After that, I suggest you play the Introductory Game which runs in your browser and features two A.I. opponents. you can also go to where you can sign up for the Catan Online World to play against real people for free. Good luck!
Jim Plane
Catan Online World Community Manager
Online nickname: Aero
Ashokan Farewell - A beautiful melody.
We met the couple who wrote it for Ken Burns Civil War Special - Jay Unger and Molly Mason.
This most talented duo presented a concert in our town a few years ago. They sang and played a variety of instruments like angels, treating the audience to informative info between songs.
lol-how fun and how funny! we just started with bannanagrams.. another fun one, and it's fast moving, too...
{and how funny that mr.plane contacted you!}
sounds complicated...
happy new year, cathy!
i've missed you.
i feel sort of like i feel down a rabbit hole for a bit! :)
you enjoying your new toy? so fun!!!!
i sure hope so!
i am a big game player... love them. especially card games. yall ever playerd... heard of Onze?
i am addicted! :)
sure do wish you and your family all the very best in this coming year! a year of blessings... gifts... joys. you're in my prayers.
ohhhhhh... i LOVE that new pic of you in the sidebar! helllllloooo... BEAUTIFUL!
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