Obviously, even birds like the packaging.
*UPDATE: the 5th grader is winning! the 5th grader is winning! Go figure.
Have been meeting with some favorite women from church because I signed on to be a part of an incredibly wonderful ministry called "Women of Titus 2". (The picture doesn't do us justice). Older women mentoring younger women. They totally blessed my socks off 2 years ago, so I'm honored to be a little part of passing the blessing on.
I started another blog! It's for our friends in Alaska. Even in such a remote area, most people have computers and internet access. So, thinking of Paul and his letters of encouragement to the churches he helped establish, but then had to leave, I decided to start a little blog. We'll see how God might use it. Knowing God, He may have given me the idea to help ME grow closer to Him. Go figure.
I flipped on the tv yesterday while I was rearranging and cleaning (truly, two of my favorite things to do!) and watched a little of Something's Gotta Give. I had forgotten how much I enjoy that movie. And the sets? Divine. This is the beach house living room. Swoon.
Speaking of movies, Mrs. Dunbar ...did you know The Time Traveler's Wife is now a movie?! It will be released on August 15th.
Looking at my schedule and beginning to think about which Bible Study we'll do this fall in my home. I have been feeling so sentimental about my friends lately! I have been reminded this summer of how much I take my deep and abiding friendships for granted. Looking forward to Card Club tonight (we stopped playing cards long ago) with 3 friends I met when our oldest kids started kindergarten (and one friend was their teacher). Our oldest are starting 11th grade in a few weeks.
Found a lovely new blog this morning called Humble Pie and this cool song "Koop Island Blues" was playing. It makes me happy.
Have a delightful weekend everyone. You are loved. (Jeremiah 31:3).