Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Unsettled (eg Without Established Order)

I love a clean house. When things are in their place, all is well with my world. When something is out of place--like the box of nails on top of my shelf in the above picture, I am unsettled.
Imagine how unsettled I am right now in my little nest as I try to prepare for Alaska...
Prepare yourselves for this next picture of my kitchen.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That countertop is sometimes cluttered with a few papers but never this!

But, of course, I have people helping me prepare for our trip. This little guy is helping me by orgazining his GameBoy games and charging his batteries

(the GameBoy's batteries...his are always charged)
I turn the corner to work on VBS curriculum and ackkkkkkkkkk! This is what I'm greeted by.
It looks like we're hoarders.

(I do like being greeted by my husband who, if you look carefully, is amongst this mess)

And because I've gone a wee-bit overboard on the shopping lately (wait til you see the antique barn door I bought), I decided not to re-schedule my hair appointment and try this myself.
Please pray for me.

So here I sit in chaos. I would like to claim it's organized chaos.
But that would be a lie.

Thanks for visiting...sorry I couldn't find you a seat.
PS--did I mention that someone will be living in our home while we're gone?
And that I believe our home should be like a
Bed & Breakfast for our guest?
Can you hear me sigh?

1 comment:

bfahs99 said...

From the mouth of a very sweet four-year-old: "Oh my! Things are a little messy, but it all still looks pretty." Isn't that kind of unconditional love just what you needed at a time like this? XOXO from across the alley!

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